School Site Council (SSC)
- SSC Information
- 2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
- SSC Committee Members
- Agendas and Minutes
- Bylaws
- Parent Engagement Policies
- School Site Council (SSC) and Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Presentation
- SSC Archived Agendas
SSC Information
The school site council develops the School Plan for Student Achievement for programs funded through the consolidated application.
Who is required to be on the SSC?
The SSC must be composed of a minimum of 10 members with equal representation between school staff and parent/community/student members (EC Section 65000[c]). Additionally, for the school members, the classroom teachers must be in the majority. This 10-member composition depends on the type of school.
Elementary school SSCs must have a minimum of 10 members
- Five school staff members: one principal (or their designee), three classroom teachers, and one other school personnel.
- Five parent and/or community members
Secondary school SSCs must have a minimum of 10 members
- Five school staff members: one principal (or their designee), three classroom teachers, and one other school personnel.
- Five parent/community/student members*
*A secondary school’s SSC must include at least one parent/community member and one student; the composition of the remaining parent/community/student members is determined locally.
What should the school do if it is not able to meet the minimum SSC composition requirements?
If the school is not able to meet the minimum SSC composition requirements, the local governing board or body of the LEA may request that the SBE waive SSC composition requirements for the school (EC Section 65001[e]). For more information on how to submit an SSC waiver request, please visit the Waiver Office web page.
May an SSC operate with less than 10 members without needing an SSC waiver?
Reduced SSC membership is allowed without an SSC waiver, but only for a school with fewer than 300 students (EC Section 65001[d][1]).
The minimum requirement for this reduced SSC membership is a total of six members.
- Three school staff members: one principal, one teacher, one school staff
- Three parent/community/student
- For elementary schools, the three must be parents/community members.
- For secondary schools, the three must include two parents/community members and one student member.
Prior to operating a reduced-member SSC, the local governing board or body of the LEA must obtain approval from the LEAs local bargaining unit(s), as applicable (EC Section 65001[d][2]).
Are there any instances where schools may operate a shared SSC without needing an SSC waiver?
Yes, but only under the following circumstances:
- Schools with a common site administration may operate a shared SSC if the school site has fewer than 300 students (EC Section 65001[a]); or
- Up to three schools with a combined enrollment of less than 1000 students may operate a shared SSC if the schools either share a campus or are in geographic proximity to one another (EC Section 65001[b]).
When operating a shared SSC, the minimum 10-member SSC composition requirements must be met, as applicable to the type of schools sharing an SSC (EC Section 65001[c]).
How are SSC members selected?
Aside from the principal or their designee, members of the SSC are selected by their peers. This means that the classroom teacher members are selected by the classroom teachers, the other school staff member is selected by the other school staff, parent/community members are selected by the parents, and student members are selected by the students, as applicable.
Statute does not have additional requirements for how the peer selection process must occur (i.e., there are not specific election requirements or methods that must be implemented). Additional requirements may be established through local bylaws, as applicable.
Is there a term limit for SSC membership?
Statute does not define a specific term limit for SSC members. Term limits may be established through local bylaws, as applicable.
Roles and Responsibilities
What schools are required to have an SSC?
Any school that is required to develop a SPSA (EC Section 64001[g][1]) must also compose an SSC in accordance with the composition requirements in EC sections 65000 or 65001, as applicable.
What are the roles and responsibilities of the SSC members?
An SSC is established to develop the SPSA (EC Section 64001[g][1]).
The purpose of the SSC is to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, including an analysis of verifiable state and local data, provide recommendations related to the school’s Title I program, and participate in the development and approval of the school’s SPSA. At a minimum, the SSC must:
- Develop and approve the SPSA, including the proposed expenditures of funds. The SPSA must align with the needs identified through the school’s comprehensive needs assessment and the goals identified by the SSC and must adhere to all applicable state and federal laws and regulations. At a minimum, the SPSA must include funds based on projected allocations from federal funds. The SPSA may also include other state or local funds allocated to the school to support student achievement. Proposed expenditures include planned spending and costs needed to implement the strategies/services in the SPSA.
- Recommend the SPSA, including proposed expenditures of funds, to the LEA’s local governing board or body for approval.
- Provide ongoing review throughout the school year of the implementation of the strategies/services in the SPSA to ensure the plan is being carried out to address the needs of the school and its students.
- Make modifications to the SPSA, if a need arises. The SSC will submit the modified SPSA to the local governing board/body for approval whenever a material change (as defined in local governing board policy) is made to planned activities or related expenditures.
- Annually evaluate the progress made toward the school’s goals to increase the academic achievement of all students. This includes reviewing and analyzing established metrics, baseline data, and desired outcomes in the SPSA to ensure continuous improvement of students in the schoolwide program.
- Perform all other duties assigned to the SSC by the local governing board or body of the LEA and by state law. As each school has their own unique needs and student populations, the SSC must ensure this is considered within their duties and responsibilities.
Meeting Requirements
Are there specific meeting requirements for the SSC?
Yes. SSC meetings must follow the Greene Act, which requires SSC meetings to be open to the public and allow for any member of the public to address the SSC during the meeting on any item within the subject matter jurisdiction of the SSC. Additionally, SSC meeting agendas must be posted at least 72 hours before each meeting and include the date, time, and location of the meeting, as well as a description of each item of business to be discussed or acted upon (EC Section 35147).
What is considered a quorum for the SSC?
A quorum is defined as a majority of the membership present. This number is half the SSC membership plus one. The SSC membership must meet the composition requirements with a minimum of 10 members with equal representation between school staff members and parent/community/student members. (EC Section 65000[c]). Statute does not have additional requirements for this quorum. Additional requirements may be established through local bylaws, as applicable.
May SSC meetings be held virtually?
Yes. SSC meetings may be conducted remotely via any virtual platform accessible on participants' mobile phones, tablets, and/or computers in any manner that complies with the requirements of Greene Act (EC Section 35147), which includes the flexibility of meeting either virtually or in person.
How many SSC meetings must be held each year?
Statute does not mandate a minimum number of SSC meetings. As long as the SSC completes its legally required responsibilities annually, the number of SSC meetings held each year may be determined locally.
Retention Requirements for School Site Council Records
SSC records, materials, and supporting documents must be retained for a period of three years (2 Code of Federal Regulations 200.333[a]). The only exceptions are if any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of the 3-year period, the records must be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved and final action taken.
2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
SSC Committee Members
School Staff:
- Adam Warren, Principal
- Carlos Muñoz, Parent Liaison
- Esperanza Aviña, Teacher
- Eric Fernandez, Teacher
- Wendy Valdez, Teacher
Alternative Staff Members:
- Alysha Infante
- Jennifer Casals
Parent/Community Members:
- Rosa Perez, President
- Melissa Molina, Vice President
- Soila Fuentes, Secretary
- Fabiola Andrade
- Maria Aldana De La Torre
Alternative Parent/Community Members:
- Cindy Ramirez
- Celena Leal-Toledo
- Maria Gonzalez
- Scarlet Avila
Agendas and Minutes
- November 18, 2024
- October 14, 2024
- September 9, 2024